FasTracKids intentionally developed its programs based on brain development research, especially in young children. We know that there is tremendous growth and development in the brain in the first couple of years of life – by age 5 it is estimated that 90% of brain development is complete. It is critical that we use programs with our early learners that have been developed with the brain in mind.
Research basis of FasTracKids programs
FasTracKids programs were developed based on the principles and work of the following researchers:
- Jean Piaget – stages of children’s development
- Eric Jensen – impact of teaching and learning on brain development
- Lev Vygotksy – social theory of learning
- Benjamin Bloom – domains of learning and Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Howard Gardner – assessment of intelligence and Multiple Intelligences
- Mel Levine – individual learning profiles
- Maria Montessori – children learn best when they are free to explore
- Reggio Emilia – learning through experiences
Individual FasTracKids Program Research
Research conducted by Drs. Michelle Anthony and Reyna Lindert in conjunction with the University of California at Berkley tested the theory of language growth and acquisition for babies 6 months-2 years old. The research showed that if children were exposed to the use of sign language at an early age, then by the time they were ready to speak, their vocabulary was larger than those students who were not exposed to the use of signs. Children who used signs had double the number of spoken words than peers who did not use signing.

FasTrack® Fundamentals
Since 1999, FasTracKids has been influencing the educational outcomes of students around the world. Independent research demonstrated the measurable effectiveness of our program. The results showed that there is a significant increase in school readiness skills for children enrolled in the FasTrack Fundamentals program.

The researchers collected data from five different countries, from students who spoke different languages, yet the results were conclusively positive. Regardless of the language spoken in the home, FasTrack Fundamentals gives students the skills they need for academic success.
See the research by selecting the image. Note that the program term “FasTracKids” represents “FasTrack Fundamentals”: